John D. Valiante

John has over 35 years as an entrepreneur, operating executive and senior consultant in the healthcare industry. He was a senior partner in the healthcare consulting practices of two leading Washington, D.C., consulting firms. Given his broad knowledge of the healthcare industry including health policy and regulation, healthcare facilities management, managed care plans, and disease management, he has been called upon to advise secretaries of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services on significant national healthcare policy issues involving HMO plans, Medicare health plans, and Medicare’s Prospective Payment System. Currently, as president of his own healthcare and consulting and investment practice, Valiante & Associates LLC, John assists clients across a broad spectrum of the health industry including identifying investment opportunities and working with investors to acquire and manage such investments. John is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives and the Healthcare Financial Management Association.
Operating Director, City Capital Advisors, LLC 2007
St. John’s Medical Center
Physicians Care
B.S. Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University
MBA, Stanford University Graduate School of Business